
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Interesting Article I Just Came Across

Amazing Homes and Offices Built from Shipping Containers


15. Reflection on Colloquium

Let's start off with stating, this is a course required by the University to PROMOTE/INFLUENCE/ILLUSTRATE the reasons for Sustainability.

This is done through Field Trips, "Class Work aka (Lectures)", and Readings.

Sustainability is EVERYWHERE now a days, all industries are leaning towards it.

Lectures/Group Work did provide some interesting facts, that I wouldn't of came across on my own. However, the "Larger" picture is much easier to see even without taking the class.
Field Trips - Showed me a side of Florida I would probably never seen on my own time, so they were rather interesting. Also, learned about the plant/animal life and the the history of this region, which I was not very familiar with being from New Jersey and a resident for only 3 years.

However, a "Gordon Rule" at this point. Seriously? A class that is REQUIRED, and considered an ELECTIVE, not part of any Major/Degree.

Should be considered a "Humanities" and allowed to be taken during the Freshmen and Sophomore levels rather than Junior/Senior.

Since a Humanities is REQUIRED as part of your AA.

Making it even more of a Reason to be REQUIRED. Perfect!

Scott 1 : Fgcu 0

The Courseload:

4 Papers consisting of 4-6 Pages. Like stated before, who needs a "Gordon Rule" at this point.

Journal Entries

Reading + Quizzes (Which not all Classes do.)

I am currently taking 3 other classes with this class, and did 4x the amount of work in this class than the other 3. However, not a complete problem. Just very time consuming.

I enjoyed the Professor, Upbeat and Outgoing.
The workload is unnecessary at this point.

A Suggestion:

Final Project - On last week of classes, not on FINALS WEEK.

I hope you enjoyed the Entries, Take care.


14. FGCU Sustainable Practices

Based upon my Observations of FGCU:

Sustainability is achieved.

Providing Hangovers on all buildings to provide more shade to help reduce the amount of energy needed to keep that individual building cool.

All water runoffs go into the ground and not blocked by solid concrete.

Solar panel field was added to reduce the amount of energy used.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

13. Downtown Fort Myers

Downtown Fort Myers was once a place many went to daily for entertainment, food, shopping, and various other activities. However, as time went on MALLS were introduced, especially affected this area.

The small city still consists of all its architecture from the early 1900's. Giving it that historic look as well, as a fanastic experience of what it was like many decades ago.

The city is trying to bring back people into the area, beside the tourism. They want the locals to come back and enjoy this little wonderful piece of history.



12. Poverty


Worst Poverty Levels tend to cluster TOGETHER.

Concentrated mainly in south. - 11 Old South States Region

Poverty tends to change VERY LITTLE from decade to decade.


Absolute Poverty - Individuals/Families having EXTREME difficulty in surviving.

  • Hunger - Amounting to starvation
  • Inadequate Housing/Shelter
  • Inadequate Clothing

More Common among Third World countries:

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • South America

Relative Poverty - Inability to obtain social necessities available to the the majority

  • USA
  • Europe

How to IMPROVE this issue.

  • Increase aid to low-income countries
  • Increase adi to basic social services
  • Increase aid to sectors relevant for poverty
  • Increase EC transparency and co-ordination






Two More Glaciers Gone from Glacier National Park

Lost two more of its namesake moving icefields to Climate Change.

Warmer TEMPERATURES have reduced the Park to 25 Glaciers.

The Park once consisted of 150

37 Which were NAMED.

In order to Qualify for a name, the Glacier must be 25 Acres.


Disappearing Glaciers

Friday, April 2, 2010

11. Matanzas Pass Preserve and Estero Bay Historic Cottage

Matanzas means “slaughters” in Spanish. It is a very illustrative and meaningful name that probably describes the events that happened between the Calusas and first Castilians that disembarked in this land at the beginning of the sixteenth century.

The preserve has a diversity of plant community populations occupying a given area; such as maritime oak hammock, transitional wetlands and mangrove forest. Each of these communities has a variety of species occurring within them and support a diversity of wildlife including raccoons, rabbits, hawks, owls, turtles, snakes, herons, fish and songbirds.

Mixture of tropical and temperate plants with a resulting high diversity of plant species.

(Above Information - Provided by: http://www.conservation2020.org )

Map of Preserve

This "Barrier Island" is known as Estero Island, or otherwise known to most as Fort Myers Beach.

The preserve is tucked up on the north-end of the island on the backside of the island, where the rest of the island consists of hotels, beach resorts, bars, and housing. As you can see humans have great impacts on changing environments as they see fit.

However, the preserve is sustainable thus far: Offering a Water Bucket to catch rainwater, also the boardwalk is made out of recycled plastic.



10. Corporate Ethics

"The only way to thrive in an era of public scrutiny is to place corporate ethics at the forefront of how your company does business, demonstrating through its actions that the organization has nothing to hide." (LRN)


Produce More - Meet needs of Growing Planet
Conserve More - Preserve natural resources for future generations
Improve Farmer's Lives - Increase Income

Estimate 9.9 Billion People in 2050.


  • Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations as well as from energy use by consumers.
  • Policy Engagement. Help shape energy policies that support long-range thinking, encourage long-term investment, and allow for an integrated set of solutions.
  • Flare Reduction. Employ a combination of technology, processes, and engagement with host governments to address operational and regional barriers to natural gas flaring reduction.

Founding sponsor of Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP) at Stanford University, which is now in its sixth year.

These companies show through their websites a lot of information reguarding the environment and human resources. They show how they rely and protect their employees. They also, ensure the environment is a top priority, to enable a better future for generations to come.
