
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

3. Concepts of Sustainability as it Relates to You

"Here we find the formulation of ‘sustainable development' that is now most widely used: Paths of human progress which meet the needs and aspirations of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs."
- Mohammed Azad Hossin

Sustainability is a huge topic that is being implemented in our society today. Sustainability can be linked to large range of areas such as careers, personal life and university education.

Concept of sustainability can be related to Information Technology as our departments within businesses are taking a green approach.

  • "Cradle to Cradle" Design - Creating products that can be fully re-used.
  • "Innovation" - Developing alternatives to technologies
  • "Energy" - New ways of generating energy as well as energy efficiency products.

Personal Life of the concepts of sustainability would have to be:

  • Water Conservation
  • Recycling
  • Energy Conservation

University Education:

"Florida Gulf Coast University learning goal of developing "an ecological perspective" and in teaching the related outcomes that the student will "...know the issues related to economic, social, and ecological sustainability, analyze and evaluate ecological issues locally and globally, participate in projects requiring awareness and/or analysis of ecological and environmental issues."

- FGCU Colloquium SYLLABUS





2. Favorite Place on Campus

Picture taken by Scott Dillon

One of my favorite places on campus would have to be the one depicited in the picture above. It sits right next to a body of water, which houses a lot of wild life. Lust greens embellish the picnic areas in which you sit, whether to eat, read, study or just relax. It's a quiet place, with just a small touch of water splashing from the lakes fountain, which gives off a comforting and warming experience.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

1. Expectations and Outcomes from Colloquium Class

The expectations and outcomes I expect to get from this colloquium class is a better understanding of sustainability through literature and personal experiences within the environment. I also expect to learn various ecological features that make up a huge part of our environment.

Developing this knowledge will be done through various challenges, textbooks and experiences. This will be achieved through field trips around the Fort Myers area, places such as: Campus Tour of the Trails, Campus Wet Walk, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, EHCO Field Trip, Estero Island Historic Cottage, Matanzas Pass Preserve and Downtown Field Trip. Other ways I expect to learn more about environmental issues are through the numerous service learning activities required within the course that are environmental based. Literature will play another large role in understanding local and global ecological issues through analyzing and evaluating.
