
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Interesting Article I Just Came Across

Amazing Homes and Offices Built from Shipping Containers


15. Reflection on Colloquium

Let's start off with stating, this is a course required by the University to PROMOTE/INFLUENCE/ILLUSTRATE the reasons for Sustainability.

This is done through Field Trips, "Class Work aka (Lectures)", and Readings.

Sustainability is EVERYWHERE now a days, all industries are leaning towards it.

Lectures/Group Work did provide some interesting facts, that I wouldn't of came across on my own. However, the "Larger" picture is much easier to see even without taking the class.
Field Trips - Showed me a side of Florida I would probably never seen on my own time, so they were rather interesting. Also, learned about the plant/animal life and the the history of this region, which I was not very familiar with being from New Jersey and a resident for only 3 years.

However, a "Gordon Rule" at this point. Seriously? A class that is REQUIRED, and considered an ELECTIVE, not part of any Major/Degree.

Should be considered a "Humanities" and allowed to be taken during the Freshmen and Sophomore levels rather than Junior/Senior.

Since a Humanities is REQUIRED as part of your AA.

Making it even more of a Reason to be REQUIRED. Perfect!

Scott 1 : Fgcu 0

The Courseload:

4 Papers consisting of 4-6 Pages. Like stated before, who needs a "Gordon Rule" at this point.

Journal Entries

Reading + Quizzes (Which not all Classes do.)

I am currently taking 3 other classes with this class, and did 4x the amount of work in this class than the other 3. However, not a complete problem. Just very time consuming.

I enjoyed the Professor, Upbeat and Outgoing.
The workload is unnecessary at this point.

A Suggestion:

Final Project - On last week of classes, not on FINALS WEEK.

I hope you enjoyed the Entries, Take care.


14. FGCU Sustainable Practices

Based upon my Observations of FGCU:

Sustainability is achieved.

Providing Hangovers on all buildings to provide more shade to help reduce the amount of energy needed to keep that individual building cool.

All water runoffs go into the ground and not blocked by solid concrete.

Solar panel field was added to reduce the amount of energy used.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

13. Downtown Fort Myers

Downtown Fort Myers was once a place many went to daily for entertainment, food, shopping, and various other activities. However, as time went on MALLS were introduced, especially affected this area.

The small city still consists of all its architecture from the early 1900's. Giving it that historic look as well, as a fanastic experience of what it was like many decades ago.

The city is trying to bring back people into the area, beside the tourism. They want the locals to come back and enjoy this little wonderful piece of history.



12. Poverty


Worst Poverty Levels tend to cluster TOGETHER.

Concentrated mainly in south. - 11 Old South States Region

Poverty tends to change VERY LITTLE from decade to decade.


Absolute Poverty - Individuals/Families having EXTREME difficulty in surviving.

  • Hunger - Amounting to starvation
  • Inadequate Housing/Shelter
  • Inadequate Clothing

More Common among Third World countries:

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • South America

Relative Poverty - Inability to obtain social necessities available to the the majority

  • USA
  • Europe

How to IMPROVE this issue.

  • Increase aid to low-income countries
  • Increase adi to basic social services
  • Increase aid to sectors relevant for poverty
  • Increase EC transparency and co-ordination






Two More Glaciers Gone from Glacier National Park

Lost two more of its namesake moving icefields to Climate Change.

Warmer TEMPERATURES have reduced the Park to 25 Glaciers.

The Park once consisted of 150

37 Which were NAMED.

In order to Qualify for a name, the Glacier must be 25 Acres.


Disappearing Glaciers

Friday, April 2, 2010

11. Matanzas Pass Preserve and Estero Bay Historic Cottage

Matanzas means “slaughters” in Spanish. It is a very illustrative and meaningful name that probably describes the events that happened between the Calusas and first Castilians that disembarked in this land at the beginning of the sixteenth century.

The preserve has a diversity of plant community populations occupying a given area; such as maritime oak hammock, transitional wetlands and mangrove forest. Each of these communities has a variety of species occurring within them and support a diversity of wildlife including raccoons, rabbits, hawks, owls, turtles, snakes, herons, fish and songbirds.

Mixture of tropical and temperate plants with a resulting high diversity of plant species.

(Above Information - Provided by: http://www.conservation2020.org )

Map of Preserve

This "Barrier Island" is known as Estero Island, or otherwise known to most as Fort Myers Beach.

The preserve is tucked up on the north-end of the island on the backside of the island, where the rest of the island consists of hotels, beach resorts, bars, and housing. As you can see humans have great impacts on changing environments as they see fit.

However, the preserve is sustainable thus far: Offering a Water Bucket to catch rainwater, also the boardwalk is made out of recycled plastic.



10. Corporate Ethics

"The only way to thrive in an era of public scrutiny is to place corporate ethics at the forefront of how your company does business, demonstrating through its actions that the organization has nothing to hide." (LRN)


Produce More - Meet needs of Growing Planet
Conserve More - Preserve natural resources for future generations
Improve Farmer's Lives - Increase Income

Estimate 9.9 Billion People in 2050.


  • Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations as well as from energy use by consumers.
  • Policy Engagement. Help shape energy policies that support long-range thinking, encourage long-term investment, and allow for an integrated set of solutions.
  • Flare Reduction. Employ a combination of technology, processes, and engagement with host governments to address operational and regional barriers to natural gas flaring reduction.

Founding sponsor of Global Climate and Energy Project (GCEP) at Stanford University, which is now in its sixth year.

These companies show through their websites a lot of information reguarding the environment and human resources. They show how they rely and protect their employees. They also, ensure the environment is a top priority, to enable a better future for generations to come.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Climate Change Causing Extinction of Bird Species + Lobster and Shrimp

Climate Change Pushing Bird Species 'Towards Extinction:'

Birds that depend upon the Ocean for survival:

  • 67 Species
  • Whether endangered now or less threathened are being affected by Climate Change

"Birds are excellent indicators of the health of our environment, and right now they are telling us an important story about climate change," said Kenneth Rosenberg.



Central American Shrimp, Lobster Fast Disappearing

Illegal Fishing & Climate is Decimating Shrimp and Lobster Population

  • Pollution
  • Warmer Waters
  • Decreasing Rainfall - Results in Less Nutrients (Feed On)
  • Illegal Fishing (50% of Central American Fishing Goes Undeclared/Reported)




Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Solar Power Could Provide 10% of US Energy: Report

They are saying by 2030, Electricity from Solar Power will make up 10% of the total, from a 0.1% from today's standings.

Planning to install 10 Million Solar Panels across the U.S. over the next decade.

"At a time when we spend 350 billion dollars importing oil from Saudi Arabia and other countries every year, the United States must move away from foreign oil to energy independence," Sanders told a press conference Tuesday.



Monday, March 8, 2010

Growing Low-Oxygen Zones in Oceans Worry Scientists

An article from Yahoo, posted Today.

"Lower levels of oxygen in the Earth's oceans, particularly off the United States' Pacific Northwest coast, could be another sign of fundamental changes linked to global climate change, scientists say."

Not sure whether its a Trend or a Phenomenon like the Methane occurring in the Arctic.


The reference link contains the full story.



Friday, March 5, 2010

9. 24 Hour Item Count + Calories

x3 Protein Shakes = 450 Calories x 3 = 1350 Calories
PB Sandwich = 325 Calories
Rice = 200 Calories
Eggs Sandwich = 240 Calories
Total Calories 2115

8. ECHO Trip

ECHO - Educational Concerns For Hunger Organization

Cool Climate Crops


  • Zizania - Wild Rice
  • Fagopyrum - Buckwheat


  • Aloe Vera
  • Allium - Garlic


  • Carthamus - Safflower

    Some other Innovative Techniques

Dryland Farming Techniques
Tropical Agriculture
Sand Water Filter
Drum Type Cookstove

Urban Gardening - Rooftop Gardening

  • Shallow Bed Gardens - 3-6" deep, soil or lightweight material and soil.
  • Tire Gardens - less potential damage to roof, and portable.
  • Wick Gardens - consists of synthetic cloth laid over a flat area of the garden with a 5 gallon watering buckey placed on the wick, to even distribute the water.
  • Shallow Pool Garden - shallow pool of water one half to one inch deep. Usually a sheet of plastic of the desired size is formed into a pool by laying sticks under each of the sides.

Hybrid Gardens

  • Eave Trough Garden - easy method for making a striking wall of flowers
  • Wading Pool Garden - inexpensive plastic wading pool

What can be found that is Organic near US. Just a SMALL sample.

  • Apple Sauce
  • Lettus/Romaine/Spinach/Arugula Salad
  • Oats
  • Tomatoes/Sweet Peas/black Beans/Kidney Beans/Pinto Beans
  • Eggs/Milk/Soy Milk
  • Apple Juice/Grape Juice/Lemonade
  • Bath Tissue/Napkins/Paper Towels

7. Ecological Footprint


Ecological Footprint Quiz by Redefining Progress

Take the Quiz. Click Above.
The areas I need improvements are in Carbon Footprint and Foodprint. However, I still remain under the WORLD average.
  • Eat less Meat, Eat more Vegetables
  • Plant a Garden - Hard to Due at an apartment
  • More Organic
  • Carpool
  • Unplug Electronics
  • Insulate Water Heater

Thursday, March 4, 2010

6. Methane Bubbles in Arctic Seas Stir Warming Fears

Arctic Sea Ice loss 1979 to 2007

Methane Bubbles in Arctic Seas Stir Warming Fears

by Alister Doyle, Evironmental Correspondent on March 4th 2010

"Current methane concentrations in the Arctic are the highest 400,000 years."

"Subsea permafrost is losing its ability to be an impermeable cap"

Natalia Shakova (Scientist)

Total of 5,000 Sites where Methane is being released from, and some is said to be coming from the seabed. Until releasing discovered, the sea floor was considered a barrier preventing the methane from escaping.


Martin Heimann (Biochemist) claims that the 8 million tonnes of Methane being released is "negligible" compared to the 440 million tonnes in Global EMISSIONS. He states, "These leaks could have been occurring all the time."

Shakova states "urgent need" to watch over the Arctic since "Methane" is the second most common greenhouse gas. Also if monitoring is done, we can see if it was a steady event or a freak event.

Other Articles on the Issue:






5. The Out-Door LOG

How much does one spend in the outdoors? For many it a very small percentage. Why such a small percentage?

  • The AVG. person spends 49 HOURS a week sleeping, which is 2940 MINUTES.
  • The AVG. person spends 40 HOURS a week working, which is 2400 MINUTES.
  • This TOTAL ABOVE is 53% of an AVG. person's Weekly Time Spent.

  • Now ADD School + School Related Work
  • The AVG. student spends 12 HOURS a week in school, which is 720 MINUTES.
  • The AVG. time spent per outside classroom for class is 2 Hrs x 12 = 24 HOURS, which is
    1440 MINUTES.

  • NEW TOTAL = 125 HOURS, which is 7500 MINUTES.
  • 74.4% of a Working Students TIME.
  • LEAVING 43 HOURS for Personal Time, which is 2580 MINUTES. (25.6%)'

Let's take a break-down of my DAILY out-door Activites for a WEEK.

240 M. - Resting by the Poolside on the water in Sunny Palm Beach Gardens
120 M. - Tennis
120 M. - Tennis
185 M. - Tennis
90 M. - Poolside
300 M. - Working on Garden of Eden
360 M. - Resting by the Poolside on the water in Sunny Palm Beach Gardens

1415 M. = 14% Out-Door-Activities

4. Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

The Importance of Wetlands

Wetlands PROTECT Water Quality:

Trapping Sediments & Retaining Excess Nutrients/Pollutants

  • Sediments/Nutrients/Chemicals - from "Runoffs"
  • Can cause Algae Bloom

CSS Biodiversity:

"Wetlands provide the food chain with a remarkable amount of support because they offer an abundant supply of food and water and a wide variety of ecological niches."

  • (The Green Lane)

Corkscrew is home to over 149 Species.


Mirco-Organisms - Plants


Checklists above for the two categories.

Preserving the Watershed from:

  • Floods
  • Droughts
  • Runoffs


  1. http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/sea/wetlands/functions.html
  2. http://www.qc.ec.gc.ca/faune/atlasterreshumides/html/role_e.html

Pictures taken at Corkscrew

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

3. Concepts of Sustainability as it Relates to You

"Here we find the formulation of ‘sustainable development' that is now most widely used: Paths of human progress which meet the needs and aspirations of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs."
- Mohammed Azad Hossin

Sustainability is a huge topic that is being implemented in our society today. Sustainability can be linked to large range of areas such as careers, personal life and university education.

Concept of sustainability can be related to Information Technology as our departments within businesses are taking a green approach.

  • "Cradle to Cradle" Design - Creating products that can be fully re-used.
  • "Innovation" - Developing alternatives to technologies
  • "Energy" - New ways of generating energy as well as energy efficiency products.

Personal Life of the concepts of sustainability would have to be:

  • Water Conservation
  • Recycling
  • Energy Conservation

University Education:

"Florida Gulf Coast University learning goal of developing "an ecological perspective" and in teaching the related outcomes that the student will "...know the issues related to economic, social, and ecological sustainability, analyze and evaluate ecological issues locally and globally, participate in projects requiring awareness and/or analysis of ecological and environmental issues."

- FGCU Colloquium SYLLABUS





2. Favorite Place on Campus

Picture taken by Scott Dillon

One of my favorite places on campus would have to be the one depicited in the picture above. It sits right next to a body of water, which houses a lot of wild life. Lust greens embellish the picnic areas in which you sit, whether to eat, read, study or just relax. It's a quiet place, with just a small touch of water splashing from the lakes fountain, which gives off a comforting and warming experience.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

1. Expectations and Outcomes from Colloquium Class

The expectations and outcomes I expect to get from this colloquium class is a better understanding of sustainability through literature and personal experiences within the environment. I also expect to learn various ecological features that make up a huge part of our environment.

Developing this knowledge will be done through various challenges, textbooks and experiences. This will be achieved through field trips around the Fort Myers area, places such as: Campus Tour of the Trails, Campus Wet Walk, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, EHCO Field Trip, Estero Island Historic Cottage, Matanzas Pass Preserve and Downtown Field Trip. Other ways I expect to learn more about environmental issues are through the numerous service learning activities required within the course that are environmental based. Literature will play another large role in understanding local and global ecological issues through analyzing and evaluating.
